Once the software was installed, (which was quite easy) I then had to join the Austnet network. After joining the Austnet network, I added the recommended servers, once again quite confusing and time consuming. From here I believe I found the Austnet New Users Guide:

Like everything else to do with IRC so far, I found the guide confusing and hard to understand.
So now, with the servers all connected I then had to choose a channel. This took about 45 minutes of trying, but I finally got through. The channel I ended up on was one called "Speakeasy". Finally I was up and running...!
I pretty much barged into a conversation on the speakeasy channel. There were four particpants, and I announced that this was my first time using IRC and that I was investigating it for a uni assignment. I then asked for everyones opinion of IRC. The responses I got were quite varied. Everything from "IRC sux" ...... to "MSN and ICQ are "##**@@# !!!"
I explained that my first opinions of IRC were that it was difficult to set up. No one else shared this opinion. After about 20 minutes I excused myself and exited the conversation.
IRC worked fine when everything was setup and running. My problem with the application was the difficulty I had in setting it up. If I wasn't investigating IRC for this uni course, then I would have lost interest in five minutes. I think IRC would appeal to the more technically minded out there. Its bare bones interface would not appeal to many people especially when you compare it to the aesthetics of ICQ.
From what I can gather IRC is setup more for group discussions. People can basically barge in anywhere and add a comment.
ICQ is a more organised environment for a conversation. In fact, as I am writing this I am having a conversation with Helen, another Net11 student. I am finding the conversation much easier to follow than the one I had using the IRC software. The interface is incredible intuative. Very impressive!
So now, with the servers all connected I then had to choose a channel. This took about 45 minutes of trying, but I finally got through. The channel I ended up on was one called "Speakeasy". Finally I was up and running...!
I pretty much barged into a conversation on the speakeasy channel. There were four particpants, and I announced that this was my first time using IRC and that I was investigating it for a uni assignment. I then asked for everyones opinion of IRC. The responses I got were quite varied. Everything from "IRC sux" ...... to "MSN and ICQ are "##**@@# !!!"
I explained that my first opinions of IRC were that it was difficult to set up. No one else shared this opinion. After about 20 minutes I excused myself and exited the conversation.
IRC worked fine when everything was setup and running. My problem with the application was the difficulty I had in setting it up. If I wasn't investigating IRC for this uni course, then I would have lost interest in five minutes. I think IRC would appeal to the more technically minded out there. Its bare bones interface would not appeal to many people especially when you compare it to the aesthetics of ICQ.
From what I can gather IRC is setup more for group discussions. People can basically barge in anywhere and add a comment.
ICQ is a more organised environment for a conversation. In fact, as I am writing this I am having a conversation with Helen, another Net11 student. I am finding the conversation much easier to follow than the one I had using the IRC software. The interface is incredible intuative. Very impressive!
Samples of the two interfaces:
ICQ Interface.

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