Saturday, March 17, 2007

Module 2 Tasks: ICQ

This task has gone a lot more smoothly than the previous (newsgroups) task. Importantly the ICQ software was quite simple to download and install. I installed my software from the site suggested in the module (

After I installed the software I added a few of the other students to my contacts list. Once I had a basic contacts list up and running, it was easy to to get information on any particular person. Simply be right clicking on a person, and choosing contact details, a window with their personal information would open up. In this window was basic information including a persons ICQ number, their name, gender and date of birth etc.....
The next part of the task involved finding the ICQ number for the nick name, 'advanced netstudies'. This proved harder than expected, because some of the details had changed since last years course. The result of my search always ended with error message "117".
After trying to complete the task on my own, I sought help from the student forum. (thats what its there for !) Fortunately Helen had worked it out. To track down "advanced netstudies" I had to visit the ICQ website From here I did a people search and located the contact number 337293557.
The nickname "advanced netstudies" was located under the Personal interests / Internet" section of the site.

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