Thursday, April 5, 2007

Module 4: Tasks: Boolean Logic. Part A

Boolean Logic: My own words.

Or Logic: Synonymous. This is used for similar terms or concepts. Or logic collates the results to retrieve the records containing one term, the other or both. If you type in college it will automatically search for the word college and university (synonymyn). It will then return results with documents containing the terms college, university and college and university together.
Query: I need information about cats.
Search: cats OR felines

And Logic: eg poverty and crime. Will only return results with poverty and crime - not poverty by itself and crime by itself.
Query: I'm interested in dyslexia in adults.
Search: dyslexia AND adults
Search: +dyslexia +adults

Not Logic: Excludes records from your search results. Eg. I want info about cats, not dogs. Will return info about cats, but anything with the word dogs in it will be excluded.
Query: I'm interested in radiation, but not nuclear radiation.
Search: radiation NOT nuclear.
Search: radiation -nuclear

A combination of or and logic:
I want to learn about cat behavior.
Search: (cats OR felines) AND behavior

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